The Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) is facing criticism after significant errors were uncovered in its draft Detailed Project Report (DPR) for the Rs 149.81-billion tunnel road project along the North-South Corridor. The report, prepared by Rodic Consultants, was found to have included information from a project in Maharashtra, raising concerns about its credibility.

The draft DPR inaccurately referenced Malegaon-Nashik City and Nashik City-Malegaon data in relation to traffic volume at several points on the corridor, leading to public outcry. BBMP has imposed a Rs 5 lakh fine on the consultants for these mistakes.

Expert, Dattatraya Devara, suggested that the data may have been reused, which casts doubt on the project’s accuracy. He also questioned the necessity of the tunnel when Bengaluru already has multiple infrastructure projects underway.

BBMP's chief commissioner, Tushar Giri Nath, admitted the error, attributing it to a compilation mistake by a junior officer. He clarified that the report was only a draft and assured that the consultants had apologised. He also confirmed that the irrelevant Maharashtra data would be corrected.