Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy has appealed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to approve the Regional Ring Road (RRR) and the proposed 'regional ring rail' to facilitate Hyderabad's transformation into a global city. Speaking at the launch of UNIKA, the autobiography of former Maharashtra Governor Ch. Vidyasagar Rao, Reddy emphasised the need for federal cooperation to propel Telangana toward becoming a $1 trillion economy.
Reddy highlighted Hyderabad’s contribution of 60% to Telangana’s income and sought Union support for key initiatives, including a dry port and the expedited completion of the Kazipet Railway Coach Factory. He stressed that Telangana’s ambition is not to compete with neighbouring Andhra Pradesh but with global cities like New York and Tokyo, requiring approvals for expanding the Hyderabad Metro Rail project.
The Chief Minister expressed optimism that the Union Cabinet would soon approve the second phase of the metro rail expansion, citing cooperation extended to metro projects in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. Reddy urged leaders from all political affiliations to collaborate for Telangana's development, emphasising unity over political differences.
Reddy also addressed concerns about universities losing their prominence, pledging efforts to revive their former glory. He underscored the role students played in the Telangana movement and advocated for their active participation in politics to ensure ideological consistency and loyalty to political organisations.
Highlighting his government’s democratic approach, Reddy noted there had been no instances of opposition members being expelled from the Assembly since Congress came to power in December 2023. The event, attended by dignitaries such as Vidyasagar Rao, Haryana Governor Bandaru Dattatreya, Odisha Governor Hari Babu Kambhampati, and Union Minister of State for Home Bandi Sanjay Kumar, saw calls for collaboration and a renewed focus on Telangana’s development trajectory.