Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel has approved the allocation of Rs 2.20 billion as the state government’s 50 per cent contribution to the Rs 4.40 billion Kalupur Railway Station Redevelopment Project. This initiative, aligned with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “Virasat Bhi, Vikas Bhi” vision, focuses on improving citizens’ quality of life through enhanced railway station infrastructure, according to an official release.

The funds will be used for the renovation and four-laning of the Kalupur-Sarangpur railway overbridge, which forms part of the Ahmedabad Railway Station Redevelopment Project. The widening of these overbridges is being carried out under the Swarnim Jayanti Mukhyamantri Shaheri Vikas Yojana, launched by Prime Minister Modi in 2010.

The Kalupur Railway Overbridge (Manu Bhai Parmar Bridge), constructed in 1915, and the Sarangpur Railway Overbridge, built in 1940, are currently three-lane and two-lane structures, respectively, both with footpaths. Considering their age, safety concerns, and rising traffic demands, the Railway Land Development Authority will demolish and reconstruct these overbridges as four-lane structures, the release added.

Additionally, Rs 520.83 million has been allocated for a new overbridge at the railway crossing LC-100-2E, located on Radhanpur city and Bhilot road. This new overbridge will connect Radhanpur, Bhilot, and Suigam, facilitating smoother transportation of goods and easier travel for residents.

The Chief Minister’s financial assistance for these projects under the Swarnim Jayanti Mukhyamantri Shaheri Vikas Yojana includes Rs 1.06 billion for the Kalupur Railway Overbridge, Rs 1.13 billion for the Sarangpur Railway Overbridge, and Rs 520.83 million for the Radhanpur Bridge, amounting to a total of Rs 2.72 billion. These developments aim to enhance connectivity, reduce traffic congestion, and save time, energy, and fuel for citizens, the release stated.